Today begins a 10 day series. I am writing through topics found in Proverbs 31 along with 13 other bloggers. The topic you'll find here over the next 10 days is "taking care of others" (head to the bottom of this post to see what other bloggers are writing about!).
The Proverbs 31 woman was energetic and hard working for the tasks she was gifted and called to do. I can not possibly measure up to this Godly woman, but I can certainly try.
I am so excited that the topic that was chosen for me to write about for the next 10 days is "taking care of others". It is definitely fitting for me. I think it might be fitting for any woman with four kids, or any amount of kids for that matter.
A Virtuous Woman cares for her body. She prepares healthy food for her family. (Proverbs 31: 14 – 15, Proverbs 31: 17, 1 Corinthians 6: 19, Genesis 1: 29, Daniel 1, Leviticus 11)
Taking care of your household is a lot of work and definitely requires a lot of energy!
In order to be all that we can be to our husbands and children, we must be all that we can be mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. We must be balanced.
My point that I want to share with you today is that we need to take care of ourselves in order to take care of our families and others.
When you take care of yourself, you are honoring God and loving your family.
I am not saying abandon all your responsibilities and go have a "me" day whenever you like. I am saying I feel it is vital for us as wives and mothers to take care of ourselves. Taking care of you such as eating right, exercising, and, my favorite, laughing!
In my own personal life this has been a struggle for me. I have had to make some major changes that have helped me become a better and happier wife and mom. I make myself exercise and decided to change my unhealthy eating choices to healthier choices (most of the time).
God only gave us one body and it is up to us to take care of it. But not just physically, emotionally too. Laughter is the best medicine.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.”
When you take care of yourself, you start to feel better about yourself and its a lot easier to take care of others when you are able to work hard and have energy! Believe me, I know!
Yes I have to carve out time in my day to go to the gym and yes it would be easier just to eat food that is fast and unhealthy. But, I feel my children also benefit from seeing their mom live a healthier lifestyle. Kids are smart and often repeat what they see.
Starting TODAY January 18 our blog and many others will be doing a series on the different aspects of Proverbs 31. Here is a list of the bloggers and their topics.
• Contributing to family income/2 better than 1
• The Fear of the Lord/ Satisfied by Love
• Using time wisely/BlessedBeyondMeasure
• Taking care of needy/ Shadow Wonder
• Using money wisely/Jennifer Sikora
• Keeping an eye on home/Just a Glimpse
• She can laugh at the days ahead/faith filled food for moms
• Clothed in strength and dignity/One thing I’ve Learned
• Taking care of others/ 2 savvy gals
• Being Creative/A Patchwork Mommy
• Bringing Variety to Family/ Karen Dawkins
• Extending your Hand to the Poor/Women’s Fellowship House
• Organization/Teaching what is Good
Hope you all enjoy!! Feel free to explore the blogs ahead of time. We have some very talented women participating.